ReconstructMe SDK  2.0.819-89134
Real-time 3D reconstruction engine
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Access and manipulate transformation matrices. More...

reme_error_t reme_transform_set_predefined (reme_context_t c, reme_transform_t t, float *coordinates)
 Set the matrix to a predefined transform.
reme_error_t reme_transform_look_at (reme_context_t c, const float *eye, const float *ref, const float *up, float *coordinates)
 Defines a viewing transformation.
reme_error_t reme_transform_compensate_tilt (reme_context_t c, const float *cur_coordinates, int tilt_angle_diff, float *new_coordinates)
 Compensate a tilt movement.
reme_error_t reme_transform_make_relative (reme_context_t c, const float *a_t, const float *b_t, float *c_t)
 Calculate the relative transform between two coordinate frames.
reme_error_t reme_transform_invert (reme_context_t c, const float *m_t, float *inv_t)
 Invert the given transformation.

Detailed Description

Access and manipulate transformation matrices.

In the ReconstructMe SDK rigid transformations are represented using 4x4 floating point homogeneous matrices. The upper 3x3 part contains the rotation matrix. The last column contains the translation vector. The last row is constant.

| Rxx Rxy Rxz Tx |
| Ryx Ryy Ryz Ty |
| Rzx Rzy Rzz Tz |
|   0   0   0  1 |

The memory layout is row-major. Flattened to a one dimensional array the above matrix is transformed into

| Rxx Rxy Rxz Tx Ryx Ryy Ryz Ty Rzx Rzy Rzz Tz 0 0 0 1|

Coordinate systems are represented by 4x4 single precision floating point homogeneous matrices. The upper 3x3 part contains the basis vectors in columns, the last column contains the origin of the frame and the last row is constant.

Function Documentation

reme_error_t reme_transform_set_predefined ( reme_context_t  c,
reme_transform_t  t,
float *  coordinates 

Set the matrix to a predefined transform.

cA valid context object
tA predefined transform type
coordinatesA pointer to mutable Transform data.
Return values
reme_error_t reme_transform_look_at ( reme_context_t  c,
const float *  eye,
const float *  ref,
const float *  up,
float *  coordinates 

Defines a viewing transformation.

This method works similarily to gluLookAt. It defines a viewing transformation based on the eye coordinates, a viewing reference point and an up vector. This method simplifies specifying sensor positions (reme_sensor_set_position).

First, the view direction is vz is calculated by vz = ref - eye. This vector is normalized to unit length vz = vz / |vz| and becomes the z-vector of the viewing transformation. Next, the up vector is normalized to unit length up = up / |up|.

The cross product vx = -up x vz will become the x-axis of the viewing transformation after normalization vx = vx / |vx|.

Finally the cross product of vy = vz x vx defines the y-axis of the viewing transformation. The origin of the viewing transformation is set to the eye coordinates.

The final matrix becomes

| vx.x vy.x vz.x eye.x |
| vx.y vy.y vz.y eye.y |
| vx.z vy.z vz.z eye.z |
|    0    0    0     1 |
cA valid context object
eyethree dimensional vector defining the eye coordinates
refthree dimensional vector defining the reference point coordinates
upthree dimensional vector defining the up vector
coordinatesA pointer to mutable Transform data.
Return values
reme_error_t reme_transform_compensate_tilt ( reme_context_t  c,
const float *  cur_coordinates,
int  tilt_angle_diff,
float *  new_coordinates 

Compensate a tilt movement.

Popular 3D scanners such as the Microsoft Kinect and others have a motorized base that allows enlargement of the interaction space by tilting the sensor. These sensors, however, turn of the IR projector while the tilt is in progress, essentially making ReconstructMe blind while the tilt occurs. Since ReconstructMe currently relies on small movements between frames it will often loose track after the tilt completes.

This method allows you to compensate for such a blind tilt by specifying +/- tilt angle difference. As most sensors make the tilt relative to the gravitation vector the tilt angle difference can only be calculated accurately for sensors that stand on a fixed platform and are not moved by hand. After tilting it is currently advised to skip a couple of depth frames to compensate wrong data from a recent projector turn-on.

This method assumes that the tilt axis is parallel to the sensor positive sensor x-axis. It also assumes that the origin of the tilt movement is placed at roughly (0, 30, -25) with respect to the sensor coordinate system. As such, this compensation will currently only work for Kinect for Windows sensors. While this is an inaccurate measurement and the assumpations are partly wrong, the solution works in most cases as ReconstructMe is able to compensate for the remaining error.

Note that you cannot tilt arbitrary large angles as the Kinect limits the tilt-angle to +/- 27 degrees and a large tilt may force a lot of new data to be integrated which could trigger track-lost detection.

Note that starting with ReconstructMe 1.4 global registration is added which should be activated for the first frame after the tilt. This will greatly help to improve the tracking.

Warning MSDN states that tilting too often can cause damage to the tilt motor.

cA valid context object
cur_coordinatesCurrent sensor position before the tilt.
tilt_angle_diff+/- difference of tilt angles before and after the tilt in degrees. I.e angles moved.
new_coordinatesUpdated sensor position to compensate for tilting.
Return values
reme_error_t reme_transform_make_relative ( reme_context_t  c,
const float *  a_t,
const float *  b_t,
float *  c_t 

Calculate the relative transform between two coordinate frames.

Given two coordinate frames, a_t and b_t in the same parental coordinate frame, calculate b_t with respect to a_t. The result is stored in c_t.

cA valid context object
a_tA pointer to non mutable Transform data.
b_tA pointer to non mutable Transform data.
c_tA pointer to mutable Transform data.
Return values
reme_error_t reme_transform_invert ( reme_context_t  c,
const float *  m_t,
float *  inv_t 

Invert the given transformation.

cA valid context object
m_tA pointer to non mutable Transform data.
inv_tA pointer to mutable Transform data.
Return values