Kicking off Camera Review Series


As you know ReconstructMe already supports a variety of commodity 3D cameras and we are working hard on integrating new and exotic ones as soon as we take notice of them. We felt it is about time to put details into perspective. Therefore we are kicking off a camera review series to cover sensor specifications, installation instructions and more.

Starting with the Intel RealSense R200 review, we plan to have an in-depth review of each sensor supported in ReconstructMe. The list of supported sensors and reviews can be found on our supported sensors page.

4 thoughts on “Kicking off Camera Review Series

  1. DerHuette

    Thank you for starting this review series!
    Could you please show us the result of the selfie made with Intel R200 without texture?! I wonder if that sensor is worth upgrading from Kinect 360.

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