As promoted in our previous post we added a new color tracking feature to the SDK and promised to release a new UI frontend version supporting it. Today it is my pleasure on behalf of the ReconstructMe team to announce this new fronted release.
In the video below you can see ReconstructMe UI in action. Both scenes are tracked mainly due to color information, as the geometric information alone (planar shape in first scene and cylindrical shape in second scene) do not suffice to estimate the camera position accurately.
Color tracking is currently enabled for all sensors that support a RGB color stream. Algorithm settings are chosen automatically, so you don’t have to configure anything. In case your sensor does not support RGB the algorithm gently falls back to geometric tracking only. Note that scanning colorized is not a requirement for the color tracking algorithm to work properly.
Here are some tips for best results
- Ensure that the scene you observe is texturally and/or geometrically rich. Although we’ve tuned the algorithm to cope with lack of information in both streams, we need at least some information to be present in the scene.
- Try to get around 25-30 frames per second. Color tracking requires small increments in the transformation of the camera, otherwise it will not converge. Please note that the color tracking does more than geometric tracking alone, so it has a small increased runtime footprint.
- Try to avoid fast camera motions that potentially blur color images.
- Try to avoid reflective materials. Although a reflection appears as texture, it visually changes when moving the camera.