Category Archives: Media

Two More 360° Scans

Continuing the scans of the ReconstructMe team, here is Christoph Kopf and Matthias Plasch. Feel free to print away as much as you like ;-) If you do so, please send us pictures!

Christoph Kopf

Matthias Plasch

ReconstructMe Team Replicated

Here’s a list of 3D replications printed by our keen beta testers. Sources are 360° depth streams of team members we posted here. In case you are about to print one of our team members, let me know, so I can update this post.

Derek, one of our enthusiastic users, has taken the time to replicate Martin’s stream using a 3D printer device. There is a write up about the making of on Derek’s blog. Check it out, it’s worth reading!

Here’s is his video capturing the printing sequence

Thanks a lot Derek!

Tony just dropped us a note that he successfully printed Christoph and uploaded the the results to thingiverse. Here is an image of the result

Thanks a lot Tony!

Bruce (3D Printing Systems) replicated all three of. His setup reminds me of bit of Mount Rushmore. Here’s the image

Thanks a lot Bruce!

Three 360 Degree Upper Body CAD Models Reconstructed

We have just recorded three of our colleagues and created STL models from them. This time we made a full model of ourselfs by rotating around the camera. One guy was sitting on a chair and rotated around, while the other one moved the Kinect up and down so we could get a full model of the front, back, and also the top. If you own a 3D printer or 3D printing software, we would very much like to know if these models are good enough for 3D printing! Please post any comments here. For everyone who made it on the BETA program, there is also the datastream so you can create the STL model yourself. We have post-processed the STL with Meshlab by re-normalising the normals, and converted them to binary STL.
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We Scanned a Chair in two Minutes

We took some time (about two minutes or so) to create a CAD model of a car’s chair. Below you can download the original mesh in high resolution, and a reduced one. The colorization show the normals.

Downloads as STL models:

Original resolution: 533,317 vertices and 1,047,917 faces, 20.8MB

Low resolution: 27,683 vertices and 52,394 faces, 1.15MB

Creative Commons Licensechair by Martin Ankerl is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.