ReconstructMe SDK  2.6.43-0
Real-time 3D reconstruction engine


This is a one minute example showing remote controlled reconstruction.

Boost is only used to generate examples and is not necessary for working with this SDK.

#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
remote_sensor opens a physical sensor and streams its data via ReMe remote.
Once the sensor has opened, it announces itself plus the physical sensor config
at the topic "sensor/announce".
It then starts to publish RGBD data at topic "sensor/rgbd". To save bandwidth the
RGB image is transmitted every 30th frame only. The application then listens for reconstruction
images on "engine/volume". Once it receives a reconstruction image result, it will display the result.
Once you close the viewer a signal will be sent to the engine to stop scanning. The engine will
then respond with a mesh on "engine/mesh". Once received it will be displayed.
// Create the context. Since reconstruction is performed remotely, no
// need to compile OpenCL context.
// Open the physical sensor
reme_sensor_create(c, "openni;mskinect", true, &s);
// Connect to remote service
reme_remote_connect(c, r, "tcp://", 10000);
// Announce sensor and config at "sensor/announce"
reme_bag_builder_set_string(c, bb, "name", "SensorA");
reme_bag_t bAnnounce;
reme_bag_create(c, &bAnnounce);
reme_bag_builder_finalize(c, bb, bAnnounce);
reme_remote_send(c, r, "sensor/announce", bAnnounce);
// Subscribe to the topics we are interested in
// Topic "engine/volume" will provide the reconstruction image. We expect this
// bag to be rather large in terms of byte size, which is why we limit the broker
// queue size to 1, to avoid the accumulation of images causing delays or possible
// memory allocation issues.
reme_remote_subscribe(c, r, "system/shutdown");
reme_remote_subscribe_advanced(c, r, "engine/volume", "", true, 0, 1);
reme_remote_subscribe(c, r, "engine/mesh");
reme_bag_t bSend, bRecv;
reme_bag_create(c, &bSend);
reme_bag_create(c, &bRecv);
reme_image_t depth, aux, volume;
reme_image_create(c, &depth);
reme_image_create(c, &volume);
reme_viewer_t viewerImages, viewerSurface;
reme_viewer_create_image(c, "This is ReconstructMe SDK", &viewerImages);
reme_viewer_add_image(c, viewerImages, volume);
reme_surface_t surface;
reme_surface_create(c, &surface);
// Enter the main loop
bool done = false;
bool viewerClosed = false;
bool meshRequested = false;
int frameCounter = 0;
while (!done) {
// Grab from the pyhsical sensor and send data at topic "sensor/rgbd"
reme_bag_builder_set_image(c, bb, "depth", depth, true);
if (frameCounter % 30 == 0) {
reme_bag_builder_set_image(c, bb, "aux", aux, true);
reme_remote_send(c, r, "sensor/rgbd", bSend);
else if (!meshRequested) {
reme_remote_notify(c, r, "engine/requestMesh");
meshRequested = true;
// Test if any of our subscribed topics have been triggered
int topicIndex = -1;
const char *topicName;
reme_remote_recv(c, r, &topicIndex, &topicName, bRecv, 0);
if (topicIndex == -1) {
if (strcmp(topicName, "system/shutdown") == 0)
done = true;
else if (strcmp(topicName, "engine/volume") == 0)
reme_bag_get_image(c, bRecv, "volume", volume);
reme_viewer_update(c, viewerImages);
// In case viewer was closed by user, request engine to stop
// scanning.
reme_viewer_is_closed(c, viewerImages, &viewerClosed);
if (viewerClosed && !meshRequested) {
reme_remote_notify(c, r, "engine/requestMesh");
meshRequested = true;
else if (strcmp(topicName, "engine/mesh") == 0)
reme_bag_get_surface(c, bRecv, "surface", surface);
reme_viewer_create_surface(c, surface, "This is ReconstructMe SDK", &viewerSurface);
reme_viewer_wait(c, viewerSurface);
reme_remote_notify(c, r, "system/shutdown");
remote_reconstruction performs reconstruction on data sent via ReMe remote.
The application first waits for a announcement of an RGBD sensor on ReMe remote.
Once a sensor is available, it subscribes to its data stream.
When new data from the sensor arrives a reconstruction step will be performed.
The resulting volume rendered reconstruction image will be sent back to the
application streaming the sensor data for visualization purposes.
// Create the context. Context will be prepared for colorized reconstruction
reme_options_set_bool(c, o, "data_integration.use_colors", true);
// Create a reconstruction volume
// Create a non-physical sensor
reme_sensor_create(c, "external", false, &s);
// Create ReMe remote service
reme_remote_bind(c, r, "tcp://");
// Subscribe to the topics we are initially interested in.
reme_remote_subscribe(c, r, "system/shutdown");
reme_remote_subscribe(c, r, "sensor/announce");
reme_remote_subscribe(c, r, "engine/requestMesh");
reme_image_t depth, aux, volume, rawDepth, rawAux;
reme_image_create(c, &rawDepth);
reme_image_create(c, &rawAux);
reme_image_create(c, &depth);
reme_image_create(c, &volume);
reme_surface_t surface;
reme_surface_create(c, &surface);
// Enter main loop
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
// Test if any of our subscribed topics have been triggered
int topicIndex = -1;
const char *topicName = 0;
reme_remote_recv(c, r, &topicIndex, &topicName, b, 100);
if (topicIndex == -1) {
if (strcmp(topicName, "system/shutdown") == 0)
done = true;
else if (strcmp(topicName, "sensor/announce") == 0)
const char *sensorName;
reme_bag_get_string(c, b, "name", &sensorName);
printf("Found a sensor: %s\n", sensorName);
// Use the physical sensor config to parametrize the virtual sensor
reme_bag_get_sensor_config(c, b, "config", s);
// Set reconstruction options
reme_options_set(c, o, "shade_mode", "SHADE_COLORS");
// Subscribe to sensor RGBD data topic. We expect this
// topic to be rather large in terms of byte size, which is why we limit the broker
// queue size to 1, to avoid the accumulation of images causing delays or possible
// memory allocation issues.
reme_remote_subscribe_advanced(c, r, "sensor/rgbd", "", true, 0, 1);
else if (strcmp(topicName, "engine/requestMesh") == 0)
reme_surface_generate(c, surface, v);
reme_bag_builder_set_surface(c, bb, "surface", surface);
reme_remote_send(c, r, "engine/mesh", b);
else if (strcmp(topicName, "sensor/rgbd") == 0)
// Read RGBD data sent and move it into the virtual sensor
reme_bag_get_image(c, b, "depth", depth);
reme_image_copy(c, depth, rawDepth);
bool hasAux = false;
reme_bag_has_key(c, b, "aux", &hasAux);
if (hasAux) {
reme_bag_get_image(c, b, "aux", aux);
reme_image_copy(c, aux, rawAux);
// Perform tracking and volume update step.
// Retrieve the reconstruction image and send it back to the sensor.
reme_bag_builder_set_image(c, bb, "volume", volume, true);
reme_remote_send(c, r, "engine/volume", b);