ReconstructMe SDK support for Intel RealSense

We’ve just released a new version of ReconstructMe SDK that supports all currently available Intel RealSense (F200, R200, SR300) models. reme_sensor_create now accepts a librealsense driver argument that will try to open the default Intel RealSense camera. More options can be set by via sensor configuration files. Multiple camera support is also available. See reme_sensor_bind_camera_options for a list of available options.

Download ReconstructMe SDK 2.6.43 x64 for Windows 7/8/10.

11 thoughts on “ReconstructMe SDK support for Intel RealSense

  1. max

    i’ve downloaded the new SDK for sr300 but i’m not able to use it sinche when i open your app, my device is not present among the listed devices.
    What can i do to run your app with my realsense sr300?
    Kind regards. Max

  2. Dmitriy Godunov

    After a long search finally found a decent 3d scanning software that supports the sr300. :)

    Something needs to be build with visual studio/ cmake (never used these programs). Struggling for hours on end to build something with cmake, always getting errors. Trying to follow the online documentation of reconstructme is incomprehensible for a layman like me.

    I understand the sdk is for developers, but would be really nice if laymen like me could finally have a good program to scan with the sr300.
    Is it possible to provide a short video where the right steps are done in order to build it and launch it, starting with downloading the sdk zip from this site? Or will a non-sdk version release anytime soon?

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