ASUS Xtion USB 3.0 Hotfix

Today ASUS sent along a RD version of a patch that should resolve the Xtion USB 3.0 issue. I’ve been given permission to distribute this file on a no-warranty-of-any-kind basis. In order to apply the patch download

[wpdm_file id=63]

Extract it to a folder of your choice, attach the sensor to an USB 2.0 port and execute UsbUpdate!Update-RD108x!.bat. Once that step has completed successfully your sensor should work on USB 3.0.

According to ASUS there was an issue with ASmedia USB3.0 controller(ASM1041/ASM1042), which can be fixed by ASmedia’s new driver( and firmware(12220E). I assume the content of .zip file updates the driver and the firmware.

I’m very grateful to ASUS that ReconstructMe users are among the first to receive this patch! Please report back your results, so I can give feedback to ASUS.


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